Famous James JeanPierre Quotes

  • Have and the have nots. Why do people say that, it’s stupid? I think it should be the gets and the get nots; that makes more sense. – James JeanPierre

    Have and the have nots. Why do people say that, it’s stupid? I think it should be the gets and the get nots; that makes more sense.– James JeanPierre

  • A double sided sword is crafted under heat and pressure and comes out ever more beautiful because of it. – James JeanPierre

    A double sided sword is crafted under heat and pressure and comes out ever more beautiful because of it.– James JeanPierre

  • We have to feed our loved ones, but at what cost. A dead man or woman can’t feed the living. – James JeanPierre

    We have to feed our loved ones, but at what cost. A dead man or woman can’t feed the living.– James JeanPierre

  • Life is nothing more than a contradiction. – James JeanPierre

    Life is nothing more than a contradiction.– James JeanPierre