Famous Jeanette Winterson Quotes
Going mad is the beginning of a process. It is not supposed to be the end result.– Jeanette Winterson
I keep forgetting that if you live in a big city only mad people talk to themselves.– Jeanette Winterson
Odd that a festival to celebrate the most austere of births should end up being all about conspicuous consumption.– Jeanette Winterson
Odd that a festival to celebrate the most austere of births should end up being all about conspicuous consumption.– Jeanette Winterson
A writer has no use for the clock. A writer lives in an infinity of days, time without end, ploughed under.– Jeanette Winterson
They believed that if a mouse found your hair clippings and built a nest with them you got a headache. If the nest was big enough, you might go mad.– Jeanette Winterson
If you think about something for long enough,’ she explained, `more than likely, that thing will happen.’ She tapped her head. `It’s all in the mind.– Jeanette Winterson
The true nature of the world is energy not mass.– Jeanette Winterson
Well done, my fine fellow out of my womb. What have you gained? Nothing! And oh, what have you lost? Everything!– Jeanette Winterson
One thing you notice about progress, kid, is that it doesn’t happen to everyone.– Jeanette Winterson