Famous Jennifer A Nielsen Quotes

  • Valuable lessons were code words for pain that no one apologized for. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    Valuable lessons were code words for pain that no one apologized for.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • And I want you to find something in the hills for the vigils to protect, like a rock or a thornbush. I don’t want them around here. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    And I want you to find something in the hills for the vigils to protect, like a rock or a thornbush. I don’t want them around here.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • Valuable lessons were code words for pain that no one apologized for.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • If he put us in dresses, we wouldn’t suddenly become women – Jennifer A Nielsen

    If he put us in dresses, we wouldn’t suddenly become women– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • Get me a real chair – Jennifer A Nielsen

    Get me a real chair– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • I never denied being a fool. That’s the difference between us. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    I never denied being a fool. That’s the difference between us.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • It would take entire lifetimes for the men of Carthya to deserve their women. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    It would take entire lifetimes for the men of Carthya to deserve their women.– Jennifer A Nielsen

  • Everyone gets scared at times. It’s only the fools who won’t admit it. – Jennifer A Nielsen

    Everyone gets scared at times. It’s only the fools who won’t admit it.– Jennifer A Nielsen