Famous Jennifer Hudson Taylor Quotes

  • Writer’s block isn’t always a problem. It can be a process of writing that helps us write better. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    Writer’s block isn’t always a problem. It can be a process of writing that helps us write better.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • She feared God may not deliver her out of this mess, especially if He had a greater plan. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    She feared God may not deliver her out of this mess, especially if He had a greater plan.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • This world ye speak of, Akira, is built upon survival. The strong conquer and live, while the weak crumble and die. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    This world ye speak of, Akira, is built upon survival. The strong conquer and live, while the weak crumble and die.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • Indeed, God is always with us even when things look hopeless. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    Indeed, God is always with us even when things look hopeless.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • There’s no heaven on earth. God would have to guide her through the problems. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    There’s no heaven on earth. God would have to guide her through the problems.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • God uses people to help others. I only pray my faith is strong enough to get me through what I have to face. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    God uses people to help others. I only pray my faith is strong enough to get me through what I have to face.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • Love is as hard to hide as hate. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    Love is as hard to hide as hate.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • There’s no rule that says attraction warrents trust. If that were the case, then more wedded couple would be happier. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    There’s no rule that says attraction warrents trust. If that were the case, then more wedded couple would be happier.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor

  • I have always been on speaking terms with God, especially now. God and I just had a few weeks of silence. ‘Tis over now. – Jennifer Hudson Taylor

    I have always been on speaking terms with God, especially now. God and I just had a few weeks of silence. ‘Tis over now.– Jennifer Hudson Taylor