Famous Jim Starlin Quotes

  • Religious fervor has been known to lead mankind down some pretty disastrous paths in the past. – Jim Starlin

    Religious fervor has been known to lead mankind down some pretty disastrous paths in the past.– Jim Starlin

  • I always claimed I became the Batman to fight crime. That was a lie. I did it to overcome the fear. – Jim Starlin

    I always claimed I became the Batman to fight crime. That was a lie. I did it to overcome the fear.– Jim Starlin

  • I always claimed I became the Batman to fight crime. That was a lie. I did it to overcome the fear. – Jim Starlin

    I always claimed I became the Batman to fight crime. That was a lie. I did it to overcome the fear.– Jim Starlin

  • I always claimed I became the Batman to fight crime. That was a lie. I did it to overcome the fear.– Jim Starlin