Famous John Connolly Quotes

  • If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life. – John Connolly

    If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life.– John Connolly

  • What’s seldom is wonderful. – John Connolly

    What’s seldom is wonderful.– John Connolly

  • They were on the side of the angels, even if the angels weren’t entirely sure that this was a good thing. – John Connolly

    They were on the side of the angels, even if the angels weren’t entirely sure that this was a good thing.– John Connolly

  • A demon obsessed with being human is a demon no longer – John Connolly

    A demon obsessed with being human is a demon no longer– John Connolly

  • Slow animals always become prey in the end. – John Connolly

    Slow animals always become prey in the end.– John Connolly

  • There was a lot to be said for a man’s capacity to be comfortable while alone. – John Connolly

    There was a lot to be said for a man’s capacity to be comfortable while alone.– John Connolly

  • You pay by the hour, even if the job only takes five minutes. I don’t do fractions. – John Connolly

    You pay by the hour, even if the job only takes five minutes. I don’t do fractions.– John Connolly

  • For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be. – John Connolly

    For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.– John Connolly

  • Most of the bad situations I’ve encountered began with the best of intentions. – John Connolly

    Most of the bad situations I’ve encountered began with the best of intentions.– John Connolly

  • Law and justice are not the same. – John Connolly

    Law and justice are not the same.– John Connolly