Famous John Ortberg Quotes

  • Skepticism can keep us from blessing, can keep us trapped in two minds. – John Ortberg

    Skepticism can keep us from blessing, can keep us trapped in two minds.– John Ortberg

  • …sin is often the attempt to meet a legitimate need in an illegitimate way. – John Ortberg

    …sin is often the attempt to meet a legitimate need in an illegitimate way.– John Ortberg

  • We complicate our faith and lives in many ways, but at the core, our purpose is simple: We are called to love. – John Ortberg

    We complicate our faith and lives in many ways, but at the core, our purpose is simple: We are called to love.– John Ortberg

  • If I think God’s aim is to produce rule-followers, spiritual growth will always be an obligation rather than a desire of my heart. – John Ortberg

    If I think God’s aim is to produce rule-followers, spiritual growth will always be an obligation rather than a desire of my heart.– John Ortberg

  • Skeptics would rather, even at their own expense, appear to be right than take the risk of trusting. – John Ortberg

    Skeptics would rather, even at their own expense, appear to be right than take the risk of trusting.– John Ortberg

  • As long as we have unsolved problems, unfulfilled desires, and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life. – John Ortberg

    As long as we have unsolved problems, unfulfilled desires, and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life.– John Ortberg

  • True joy, as it turns out, comes only to those who have devoted their lives to something greater than personal happiness. – John Ortberg

    True joy, as it turns out, comes only to those who have devoted their lives to something greater than personal happiness.– John Ortberg

  • We may be unlovely yet we are not unloved. – John Ortberg

    We may be unlovely yet we are not unloved.– John Ortberg

  • The ministry of bearing with one another is more than simply tolerating difficult people. It is also learning to hear God speak through them. – John Ortberg

    The ministry of bearing with one another is more than simply tolerating difficult people. It is also learning to hear God speak through them.– John Ortberg