Famous Jonas Eriksson Quotes

  • The only thing which really seemed to pay off in life, if you went by Mary Pedersen’s example, was sleeping with your superiors. – Jonas Eriksson

    The only thing which really seemed to pay off in life, if you went by Mary Pedersen’s example, was sleeping with your superiors.– Jonas Eriksson

  • You are so beautiful, I could eat you,- he said.And it was true. Her smile was as intoxicating as the wine.And he could eat her. – Jonas Eriksson

    You are so beautiful, I could eat you,- he said.And it was true. Her smile was as intoxicating as the wine.And he could eat her.– Jonas Eriksson

  • You are so beautiful, I could eat you,- he said.And it was true. Her smile was as intoxicating as the wine.And he could eat her.– Jonas Eriksson

  • It’s not great when your husband thinks the only guy who can talk to you, is some other guy. – Jonas Eriksson

    It’s not great when your husband thinks the only guy who can talk to you, is some other guy.– Jonas Eriksson

  • He was a strange mix of Heinrich Himmler and Barney the Dinosaur. – Jonas Eriksson

    He was a strange mix of Heinrich Himmler and Barney the Dinosaur.– Jonas Eriksson

  • You have really nice teeth,- Terry said and thought they could be excellent for his collection of human body parts. – Jonas Eriksson

    You have really nice teeth,- Terry said and thought they could be excellent for his collection of human body parts.– Jonas Eriksson

  • Terry loved candlelight dinners and red wine. It was a nice contrast from work.And killing people. – Jonas Eriksson

    Terry loved candlelight dinners and red wine. It was a nice contrast from work.And killing people.– Jonas Eriksson