Famous JT Sanz Quotes

  • Life. Is a sentence, therein, weave your story toward freedom. – JT Sanz

    Life. Is a sentence, therein, weave your story toward freedom.– JT Sanz

  • There’s no point in knowing without enlightenment, yet edified insights arouse movement. – JT Sanz

    There’s no point in knowing without enlightenment, yet edified insights arouse movement.– JT Sanz

  • Do you suffer fromcallous-narrow-minded biases?I’m humanely secondhand embarrassed for you. – JT Sanz

    Do you suffer fromcallous-narrow-minded biases?I’m humanely secondhand embarrassed for you.– JT Sanz

  • As a writer: Aim toward becoming keen through a looking glass limn perspective on evoking pleasure of the senses with STRONG VERBS. – JT Sanz

    As a writer: Aim toward becoming keen through a looking glass limn perspective on evoking pleasure of the senses with STRONG VERBS.– JT Sanz

  • Work on your craft, whatever your medium. Determination is your illusion headway toward reality. – JT Sanz

    Work on your craft, whatever your medium. Determination is your illusion headway toward reality.– JT Sanz