Famous Julia Green Quotes

  • Some things get lost others return. That is how it is: the way of things. – Julia Green

    Some things get lost others return. That is how it is: the way of things.– Julia Green

  • There’s this rushing sound, like white noise.The sound of nothing. – Julia Green

    There’s this rushing sound, like white noise.The sound of nothing.– Julia Green

  • Memories come back, pressing in on you, like ghost faces in the darkness pushing up the gl???, trying to get into the lit room. – Julia Green

    Memories come back, pressing in on you, like ghost faces in the darkness pushing up the gl???, trying to get into the lit room.– Julia Green

  • There are lots of different ways grown-ups disappear. It’s lonely being the one left behind. – Julia Green

    There are lots of different ways grown-ups disappear. It’s lonely being the one left behind.– Julia Green

  • Change & transformation. That kind of magic. – Julia Green

    Change & transformation. That kind of magic.– Julia Green

  • But you still need the two: the dark and the light. You can’t see one without the other. – Julia Green

    But you still need the two: the dark and the light. You can’t see one without the other.– Julia Green

  • There is always that choice, the light or the dark – Julia Green

    There is always that choice, the light or the dark– Julia Green