Famous Kathy Acker Quotes

  • What other knowledge will my solitude and muteness bring? What other worlds? – Kathy Acker

    What other knowledge will my solitude and muteness bring? What other worlds?– Kathy Acker

  • Life doesn’t exist inside language: too bad for me. – Kathy Acker

    Life doesn’t exist inside language: too bad for me.– Kathy Acker

  • Murder is a dream because lack is the center of both. – Kathy Acker

    Murder is a dream because lack is the center of both.– Kathy Acker

  • Literature is that which denounces and slashes apart the repressing machine at the level of the signified. – Kathy Acker

    Literature is that which denounces and slashes apart the repressing machine at the level of the signified.– Kathy Acker

  • There must be a secret hidden in this book or else you wouldn’t bother to read it – Kathy Acker

    There must be a secret hidden in this book or else you wouldn’t bother to read it– Kathy Acker

  • Dreams are manifestations of identities. – Kathy Acker

    Dreams are manifestations of identities.– Kathy Acker