Famous Katie MacAlister Quotes

  • You think I’m deranged! How refreshing. Everyone here takes me so seriously, it’s a wonderful change to be thought mentally deficient. – Katie MacAlister

    You think I’m deranged! How refreshing. Everyone here takes me so seriously, it’s a wonderful change to be thought mentally deficient.– Katie MacAlister

  • Geez, what do I need to do, use semaphore? I told you I was unclaimed. – Katie MacAlister

    Geez, what do I need to do, use semaphore? I told you I was unclaimed.– Katie MacAlister

  • You’re handsome and you have a nice accent, and a chest that would make a nun perspire. – Katie MacAlister

    You’re handsome and you have a nice accent, and a chest that would make a nun perspire.– Katie MacAlister

  • I’m not at all the sort of woman who kisses strange dragons when she comes across them. – Katie MacAlister

    I’m not at all the sort of woman who kisses strange dragons when she comes across them.– Katie MacAlister

  • Stop fussing over me, woman. I will be whole again shortly, and then you can resume ogling me and desiring my body. – Katie MacAlister

    Stop fussing over me, woman. I will be whole again shortly, and then you can resume ogling me and desiring my body.– Katie MacAlister

  • No, I didn’t enjoy that in the least. Do it again so I can not enjoy it some more. – Katie MacAlister

    No, I didn’t enjoy that in the least. Do it again so I can not enjoy it some more.– Katie MacAlister

  • Too much talking and not enough writhing in ecstasy. You will commence writhing now. – Katie MacAlister

    Too much talking and not enough writhing in ecstasy. You will commence writhing now.– Katie MacAlister

  • How was I going to break it to my sister and brother that I was now a demon lord? – Katie MacAlister

    How was I going to break it to my sister and brother that I was now a demon lord?– Katie MacAlister

  • It is the way of women to keep us humble, is it not? – Katie MacAlister

    It is the way of women to keep us humble, is it not?– Katie MacAlister

  • I’ll drive. But don’t you be turning into a dragon while you’re in the car. I don’t want those claws poking holes in my nice upholstery. – Katie MacAlister

    I’ll drive. But don’t you be turning into a dragon while you’re in the car. I don’t want those claws poking holes in my nice upholstery.– Katie MacAlister