Famous Kevin Hearne Quotes

  • This bastard is so guilty he already has his lawyer here. – Kevin Hearne

    This bastard is so guilty he already has his lawyer here.– Kevin Hearne

  • Gods can screw anything and anybody. For reference, see history.Atticus O’Sullivan – Kevin Hearne

    Gods can screw anything and anybody. For reference, see history.Atticus O’Sullivan– Kevin Hearne

  • But there was no going back to that idyllic time when only one god wanted to kill me. – Kevin Hearne

    But there was no going back to that idyllic time when only one god wanted to kill me.– Kevin Hearne

  • It’s not like the Middle Ages, when you had the Church and the aristocracy keeping everything nice and stagnant. – Kevin Hearne

    It’s not like the Middle Ages, when you had the Church and the aristocracy keeping everything nice and stagnant.– Kevin Hearne

  • Revenge and rational thought never sleep together. – Kevin Hearne

    Revenge and rational thought never sleep together.– Kevin Hearne

  • I jumped up and down and swore violently in seventeen languages. – Kevin Hearne

    I jumped up and down and swore violently in seventeen languages.– Kevin Hearne

  • The gods damn you, look what you’ve done! If I want to grow this back, I’ll have to endure the most terrifying sex imaginable! Gaahhhhhhh! – Kevin Hearne

    The gods damn you, look what you’ve done! If I want to grow this back, I’ll have to endure the most terrifying sex imaginable! Gaahhhhhhh!– Kevin Hearne