Famous Kiera Van Gelder Quotes

  • I need them to be aware and present with me in the midst of the storm, not just tell me what to do. – Kiera Van Gelder

    I need them to be aware and present with me in the midst of the storm, not just tell me what to do.– Kiera Van Gelder

  • An inner ease spreads inside me. Such is the power of acceptance and understanding from other people, the power of validation – Kiera Van Gelder

    An inner ease spreads inside me. Such is the power of acceptance and understanding from other people, the power of validation– Kiera Van Gelder

  • Thirty seconds of pure awareness is a long time, especially after a lifetime of escaping yourself at all costs. – Kiera Van Gelder

    Thirty seconds of pure awareness is a long time, especially after a lifetime of escaping yourself at all costs.– Kiera Van Gelder

  • I’m so good at beginnings, but in the end I always seem to destroy everything, including myself. – Kiera Van Gelder

    I’m so good at beginnings, but in the end I always seem to destroy everything, including myself.– Kiera Van Gelder