Famous Kristi Bowman Quotes

  • Love is the most powerful gift we have to offer. – Kristi Bowman

    Love is the most powerful gift we have to offer.– Kristi Bowman

  • There’s no time like the present to love deeply, claim our power and live our purpose! – Kristi Bowman

    There’s no time like the present to love deeply, claim our power and live our purpose!– Kristi Bowman

  • When things feel murky and unsure, fine tuning our hearing so as to distinguish the voice of our Innermost Self brings clarity. – Kristi Bowman

    When things feel murky and unsure, fine tuning our hearing so as to distinguish the voice of our Innermost Self brings clarity.– Kristi Bowman

  • Love and accept everyone for who they are, for where they are in life. That is compassion. – Kristi Bowman

    Love and accept everyone for who they are, for where they are in life. That is compassion.– Kristi Bowman

  • It’s not so much what we do that matters, but what kind of person we choose to be. – Kristi Bowman

    It’s not so much what we do that matters, but what kind of person we choose to be.– Kristi Bowman

  • Do not hide your light for fear of what others may think of you. Let it shine and be a reflection of what is possible. – Kristi Bowman

    Do not hide your light for fear of what others may think of you. Let it shine and be a reflection of what is possible.– Kristi Bowman

  • The most beautiful work of art that we can create is this life. – Kristi Bowman

    The most beautiful work of art that we can create is this life.– Kristi Bowman

  • We can change our own life and ultimately change the world. – Kristi Bowman

    We can change our own life and ultimately change the world.– Kristi Bowman

  • When we awaken to our truth, we realize we are free. – Kristi Bowman

    When we awaken to our truth, we realize we are free.– Kristi Bowman