Famous Lauren Slater Quotes

  • …tethered to the ground by quotidian conversation…. the window rosy with anemic November light. – Lauren Slater

    …tethered to the ground by quotidian conversation…. the window rosy with anemic November light.– Lauren Slater

  • …the clear water the color of deeply steeped tea, surrounded by cattails and gracile grasses. – Lauren Slater

    …the clear water the color of deeply steeped tea, surrounded by cattails and gracile grasses.– Lauren Slater

  • I never said to myself, I am longing; that feeling lived at a level below language. – Lauren Slater

    I never said to myself, I am longing; that feeling lived at a level below language.– Lauren Slater

  • Finally the dawn came, the sky fringed with pink, and the sun bright as a coin in a spill of rising red. – Lauren Slater

    Finally the dawn came, the sky fringed with pink, and the sun bright as a coin in a spill of rising red.– Lauren Slater

  • I didn’t know then that the mind, like the earth, has several layers: a crust, a mantle, a boiling core. – Lauren Slater

    I didn’t know then that the mind, like the earth, has several layers: a crust, a mantle, a boiling core.– Lauren Slater

  • … instead of spelling stories you spread silence, which was outside the alphabet. – Lauren Slater

    … instead of spelling stories you spread silence, which was outside the alphabet.– Lauren Slater