Famous Lee Davidson Quotes

  • It’s like a jolt of electric, but worse. – Lee   Davidson

    It’s like a jolt of electric, but worse.– Lee Davidson

  • You really are Captain Oblivious. – Lee   Davidson

    You really are Captain Oblivious.– Lee Davidson

  • If upper management found out, they’d send you off to the Probing Department. – Lee Davidson

    If upper management found out, they’d send you off to the Probing Department.– Lee Davidson

  • He gives new meaning to the word bombed. – Lee Davidson

    He gives new meaning to the word bombed.– Lee Davidson

  • My memories came back like a punch in the face. Only good. – Lee   Davidson

    My memories came back like a punch in the face. Only good.– Lee Davidson

  • I heard our kid here is quite the scrapper. – Lee Davidson

    I heard our kid here is quite the scrapper.– Lee Davidson

  • It’s like a jolt of electricity, but worse. – Lee Davidson

    It’s like a jolt of electricity, but worse.– Lee Davidson

  • Dude, it’s mind control. That’s got to be the best superpower ever! – Lee   Davidson

    Dude, it’s mind control. That’s got to be the best superpower ever!– Lee Davidson