Famous Lev Grossman Quotes

  • Living in a castle is objectively romantic. – Lev Grossman

    Living in a castle is objectively romantic.– Lev Grossman

  • You’re saying the gods don’t have free will.- -œThe power to make mistakes,- Penny said. -œOnly we have that. Mortals. – Lev Grossman

    You’re saying the gods don’t have free will.- -œThe power to make mistakes,- Penny said. -œOnly we have that. Mortals.– Lev Grossman

  • If my generation is remembered for anything, it will be as the last one that remembers the world before the Internet. – Lev Grossman

    If my generation is remembered for anything, it will be as the last one that remembers the world before the Internet.– Lev Grossman

  • What makes you think what happened to you on Earth wasn’t an adventure? – Lev Grossman

    What makes you think what happened to you on Earth wasn’t an adventure?– Lev Grossman

  • By the standards of magical society they’d fallen at the first hurdle: they hadn’t had the basic good sense to keep their shit to themselves. – Lev Grossman

    By the standards of magical society they’d fallen at the first hurdle: they hadn’t had the basic good sense to keep their shit to themselves.– Lev Grossman

  • Earth or Fillory, did it even matter? What was the huge conundrum? Everywhere you looked there was so much richness, you could never exhaust it. – Lev Grossman

    Earth or Fillory, did it even matter? What was the huge conundrum? Everywhere you looked there was so much richness, you could never exhaust it.– Lev Grossman

  • If there was any magic in this world that was not magic, it was wine. – Lev Grossman

    If there was any magic in this world that was not magic, it was wine.– Lev Grossman

  • It’s time to live with what we have and mourn what we lost.  – Lev Grossman

    It’s time to live with what we have and mourn what we lost. – Lev Grossman

  • You don’t learn about yourself by being alone, you learn about yourself from other people. – Lev Grossman

    You don’t learn about yourself by being alone, you learn about yourself from other people.– Lev Grossman

  • Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life. – Lev Grossman

    Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life.– Lev Grossman