Famous Libba Bray Quotes

  • I’m an oddity of one, my strangeness too complicated to explain or share. – Libba Bray

    I’m an oddity of one, my strangeness too complicated to explain or share.– Libba Bray

  • Kartik feels like a country I want to travel-”vast, dangerous, and unknown. – Libba Bray

    Kartik feels like a country I want to travel-”vast, dangerous, and unknown.– Libba Bray

  • …There’s an -or- in -whore- because you always have a choice to respect your body and say no. – Libba Bray

    …There’s an -or- in -whore- because you always have a choice to respect your body and say no.– Libba Bray

  • There is no greater power on this earth than story. – Libba Bray

    There is no greater power on this earth than story.– Libba Bray

  • And when it comes, her kiss is like something not so much felt as found. – Libba Bray

    And when it comes, her kiss is like something not so much felt as found.– Libba Bray

  • And when it comes, her kiss is like something not so much felt as found.– Libba Bray

  • I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I’ve got to think. – Libba Bray

    I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I’ve got to think.– Libba Bray

  • Robot. Is. Sad. Because silly bitch. Will. Not. Dance. – Libba Bray

    Robot. Is. Sad. Because silly bitch. Will. Not. Dance.– Libba Bray

  • Wow, I miss Latin. So much fun – all those exciting verbs that don’t come unit the end of the sentence. It’s like a movie trailer for language. – Libba Bray

    Wow, I miss Latin. So much fun – all those exciting verbs that don’t come unit the end of the sentence. It’s like a movie trailer for language.– Libba Bray

  • But if we are to remain a great empire, we must have a greater understanding of the hearts and minds of others. – Libba Bray

    But if we are to remain a great empire, we must have a greater understanding of the hearts and minds of others.– Libba Bray