Famous Liz Weber Quotes

  • Managers and leaders cause most of the organizational confusion and frustration by not doing their jobs -” their real jobs. – Liz Weber

    Managers and leaders cause most of the organizational confusion and frustration by not doing their jobs -” their real jobs.– Liz Weber

  • Leaders move among the various stages each day. But effective leaders move among the right stages at the right times. – Liz Weber

    Leaders move among the various stages each day. But effective leaders move among the right stages at the right times.– Liz Weber

  • Holding your team accountable to do the jobs they’re being paid to do is not being mean; it’s being a manager, and that’s your job. – Liz Weber

    Holding your team accountable to do the jobs they’re being paid to do is not being mean; it’s being a manager, and that’s your job.– Liz Weber

  • Leadership is about what’s right for the organization, not what feels right for the leader. – Liz Weber

    Leadership is about what’s right for the organization, not what feels right for the leader.– Liz Weber