Famous Marcus J Borg Quotes

  • The heaven-and-hell framework has four central elements: the afterlife, sin and forgiveness, Jesus’s dying for our sins, and believing. – Marcus J Borg

    The heaven-and-hell framework has four central elements: the afterlife, sin and forgiveness, Jesus’s dying for our sins, and believing.– Marcus J Borg

  • More than half described Christians as literalistic, anti-intellectual, judgmental, self-righteous, and bigoted. – Marcus J Borg

    More than half described Christians as literalistic, anti-intellectual, judgmental, self-righteous, and bigoted.– Marcus J Borg

  • The political vision of the religious right is for the most part an individualistic politics of righteousness, not a communal politics of compassion. – Marcus J Borg

    The political vision of the religious right is for the most part an individualistic politics of righteousness, not a communal politics of compassion.– Marcus J Borg

  • Christianity’s goal is not escape from this world. It loves this world and seeks to change it for the better. – Marcus J Borg

    Christianity’s goal is not escape from this world. It loves this world and seeks to change it for the better.– Marcus J Borg