Famous Mark Frost Quotes

  • In my experience, what defines a crime depends on who’s getting screwed. – Mark Frost

    In my experience, what defines a crime depends on who’s getting screwed.– Mark Frost

  • Words lose their meaning when you look at them too long. -˜God.’ -˜Science.’ Meaning. – Mark Frost

    Words lose their meaning when you look at them too long. -˜God.’ -˜Science.’ Meaning.– Mark Frost

  • Good literature is a mirror through which we see ourselves more clearly. – Mark Frost

    Good literature is a mirror through which we see ourselves more clearly.– Mark Frost

  • It is not the ink and the paper that matter, but the hand that holds the pen. – Mark Frost

    It is not the ink and the paper that matter, but the hand that holds the pen.– Mark Frost

  • Dude, you’re scaring the crap out of me,’ said Nick. ‘I’m serious, I literally have no crap right now. – Mark Frost

    Dude, you’re scaring the crap out of me,’ said Nick. ‘I’m serious, I literally have no crap right now.– Mark Frost