Famous Mark Helprin Quotes

  • In America, Fredericka, they don’t really have trains for people. The trains here are used mainly to transport pigs, television sets, and fruit. – Mark Helprin

    In America, Fredericka, they don’t really have trains for people. The trains here are used mainly to transport pigs, television sets, and fruit.– Mark Helprin

  • Justice came from a fight amid complexities, and required all the virtues in the world merely to be perceived. – Mark Helprin

    Justice came from a fight amid complexities, and required all the virtues in the world merely to be perceived.– Mark Helprin

  • …what argument is left with someone you love if she is willing to break your heart? – Mark Helprin

    …what argument is left with someone you love if she is willing to break your heart?– Mark Helprin

  • She felt as if she knew the stars, and had been among them, or would be. – Mark Helprin

    She felt as if she knew the stars, and had been among them, or would be.– Mark Helprin

  • For the first time in his life, he felt exactly what he was, and he was not impressed. – Mark Helprin

    For the first time in his life, he felt exactly what he was, and he was not impressed.– Mark Helprin

  • their powerlessness, innocence, and imagination fused to enable them to turn time inside out, travel on the wind, and enter the souls of animals. – Mark Helprin

    their powerlessness, innocence, and imagination fused to enable them to turn time inside out, travel on the wind, and enter the souls of animals.– Mark Helprin

  • He felt as if he were paying for the privilege of music with portions of his life and body. But it was well worth it. – Mark Helprin

    He felt as if he were paying for the privilege of music with portions of his life and body. But it was well worth it.– Mark Helprin

  • A good river is nature’s life work in song. – Mark Helprin

    A good river is nature’s life work in song.– Mark Helprin

  • Read what you find interesting, and then follow your interests. You’ll find that in doing so you always generate enough to illuminate the next step. – Mark Helprin

    Read what you find interesting, and then follow your interests. You’ll find that in doing so you always generate enough to illuminate the next step.– Mark Helprin

  • I saw how greatly he suffered the requirement of being clever. It separated him from his soul, and it didn’t get him anything other than a living. – Mark Helprin

    I saw how greatly he suffered the requirement of being clever. It separated him from his soul, and it didn’t get him anything other than a living.– Mark Helprin