Famous Meg Wolitzer Quotes

  • Dennis was present, still present, and this, she thought as she stayed landed against him, was no small talent. – Meg Wolitzer

    Dennis was present, still present, and this, she thought as she stayed landed against him, was no small talent.– Meg Wolitzer

  • Wasn’t the whole point of being an artist, or at least part of it, that you didn’t have to wear a tie? – Meg Wolitzer

    Wasn’t the whole point of being an artist, or at least part of it, that you didn’t have to wear a tie?– Meg Wolitzer

  • Sometimes it’s easier to tell ourselves a story. – Meg Wolitzer

    Sometimes it’s easier to tell ourselves a story.– Meg Wolitzer

  • If someone said ‘diametrically,’ could ‘opposed’ be far behind? – Meg Wolitzer

    If someone said ‘diametrically,’ could ‘opposed’ be far behind?– Meg Wolitzer

  • There was no life Dennis burned to live except, it seemed, a life that wasn’t depressed. – Meg Wolitzer

    There was no life Dennis burned to live except, it seemed, a life that wasn’t depressed.– Meg Wolitzer

  • Words matter. All semester, we were looking for the words to say what we needed to say. We were all looking for our voice. – Meg Wolitzer

    Words matter. All semester, we were looking for the words to say what we needed to say. We were all looking for our voice.– Meg Wolitzer