Famous Megan Boyle Quotes

  • my cat is always looking at me like i am forgetting something crucial and he depends on it – Megan Boyle

    my cat is always looking at me like i am forgetting something crucial and he depends on it– Megan Boyle

  • i wish cats could float around your head – Megan Boyle

    i wish cats could float around your head– Megan Boyle

  • i wish i had 15-20 cats that would serve as a blanket, like if i moved they would adjust to my new position, that would be good – Megan Boyle

    i wish i had 15-20 cats that would serve as a blanket, like if i moved they would adjust to my new position, that would be good– Megan Boyle

  • shrimp and green peppers are shriveling in my refrigerator – Megan Boyle

    shrimp and green peppers are shriveling in my refrigerator– Megan Boyle

  • i had a dream that there were these huge indoor swimming pools called ‘lobbies’ that poor people used to do mass amounts of laundry – Megan Boyle

    i had a dream that there were these huge indoor swimming pools called ‘lobbies’ that poor people used to do mass amounts of laundry– Megan Boyle