Famous Michelle CruzRosado Quotes

  • Letting yesterday affect today will only destroy the excitement of tomorrow. – Michelle CruzRosado

    Letting yesterday affect today will only destroy the excitement of tomorrow.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • Time that is spent dwelling on the past will surely continue in your present moment – and the future. – Michelle CruzRosado

    Time that is spent dwelling on the past will surely continue in your present moment – and the future.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness. – Michelle CruzRosado

    Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • Making peace with one’s truth is to live in one’s own moment, moving passionately forward in joy. – Michelle CruzRosado

    Making peace with one’s truth is to live in one’s own moment, moving passionately forward in joy.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • We are here not to make something of ourselves. We are here to Be ourselves. – Michelle CruzRosado

    We are here not to make something of ourselves. We are here to Be ourselves.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • With self-acceptance, we have the ability to choose compassion and forgiveness over anger and self-hatred. – Michelle CruzRosado

    With self-acceptance, we have the ability to choose compassion and forgiveness over anger and self-hatred.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • There is a place where there is freedom of fear and doubt, and that is within. – Michelle CruzRosado

    There is a place where there is freedom of fear and doubt, and that is within.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • To eliminate the inner turmoil we must focus our attention inward and act with loving kindness to ourselves-”and each other. – Michelle CruzRosado

    To eliminate the inner turmoil we must focus our attention inward and act with loving kindness to ourselves-”and each other.– Michelle CruzRosado

  • I’d rather identify with a past of infinite growth, than a past which hinders it. – Michelle CruzRosado

    I’d rather identify with a past of infinite growth, than a past which hinders it.– Michelle CruzRosado