Famous Minae Mizumura Quotes

  • One’s identity derives not from one’s nation or blood but from the language one uses. – Minae Mizumura

    One’s identity derives not from one’s nation or blood but from the language one uses.– Minae Mizumura

  • One’s identity derives not from one’s nation or blood but from the language one uses.– Minae Mizumura

  • Writers are writing in every corner of the globe.Writers are writing, moreover, in rich countries and poor countries alike. – Minae Mizumura

    Writers are writing in every corner of the globe.Writers are writing, moreover, in rich countries and poor countries alike.– Minae Mizumura

  • Transported to a different culture, thought often loses its subtlety and can even rampage like a wild beast. – Minae Mizumura

    Transported to a different culture, thought often loses its subtlety and can even rampage like a wild beast.– Minae Mizumura

  • In a totally dysfunctional society, the profession of a writer would not exist. – Minae Mizumura

    In a totally dysfunctional society, the profession of a writer would not exist.– Minae Mizumura

  • Art is not democratic. Art is sublime. – Minae Mizumura

    Art is not democratic. Art is sublime.– Minae Mizumura