Famous Mishi McCoy Quotes

  • If our focus is on how we are supposed to feel then we deny ourselves the joy of freedom in how we truly feel. – Mishi McCoy

    If our focus is on how we are supposed to feel then we deny ourselves the joy of freedom in how we truly feel.– Mishi McCoy

  • Why?Because I am a sovereign being and I do what I desire to do as I feel led.That is all. – Mishi McCoy

    Why?Because I am a sovereign being and I do what I desire to do as I feel led.That is all.– Mishi McCoy

  • I would rather drown in the depths of Love than splash around on the shore of complacency. – Mishi McCoy

    I would rather drown in the depths of Love than splash around on the shore of complacency.– Mishi McCoy