Famous NR Walker Quotes

  • I have a black belt in sarcasm, and my wit is like lightning. – NR Walker

    I have a black belt in sarcasm, and my wit is like lightning.– NR Walker

  • I kissed him softly and left my lips pressed to his for a few beats of my heart. – NR Walker

    I kissed him softly and left my lips pressed to his for a few beats of my heart.– NR Walker

  • When I opened the door, Andrew was standing there like a remedy for heart palpitations. Or maybe he made them worse. It was hard to tell. – NR Walker

    When I opened the door, Andrew was standing there like a remedy for heart palpitations. Or maybe he made them worse. It was hard to tell.– NR Walker

  • I think he won a tiny piece of my heart that day. If he didn’t have the whole damn thing before then, he certainly had part of it now. – NR Walker

    I think he won a tiny piece of my heart that day. If he didn’t have the whole damn thing before then, he certainly had part of it now.– NR Walker

  • And without my consent, with my defences in ruins, while my brain was sleeping, my stupid heart went and fell headfirst into love. – NR Walker

    And without my consent, with my defences in ruins, while my brain was sleeping, my stupid heart went and fell headfirst into love.– NR Walker

  • Maybe that’s what I needed. Another tattoo. Some pain on the outside to ease the pain on the inside. – NR Walker

    Maybe that’s what I needed. Another tattoo. Some pain on the outside to ease the pain on the inside.– NR Walker