Famous Paulo Freire Quotes

  • P57/8- one must seek to live with others in solidarity..only through communication can human life hold meaning. – Paulo Freire

    P57/8- one must seek to live with others in solidarity..only through communication can human life hold meaning.– Paulo Freire

  • P69- word is not the privilege of some few persons but the right of everyone – Paulo Freire

    P69- word is not the privilege of some few persons but the right of everyone– Paulo Freire

  • P71- if i do not love the world if i do not love life if i do not love people i cannot enter into dialogue. – Paulo Freire

    P71- if i do not love the world if i do not love life if i do not love people i cannot enter into dialogue.– Paulo Freire

  • Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning. – Paulo Freire

    Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.– Paulo Freire

  • P60- one does not liberate people by alienating them. P62- consciousness is the constant unveiling of reality. – Paulo Freire

    P60- one does not liberate people by alienating them. P62- consciousness is the constant unveiling of reality.– Paulo Freire

  • Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.  – Paulo Freire

    Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. – Paulo Freire

  • The greatest humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves… – Paulo Freire

    The greatest humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves…– Paulo Freire