Famous Philip Yancey Quotes

  • We admit that we will never reach our ideal in this life, a distinctive the church claims that most other human institutions try to deny. – Philip Yancey

    We admit that we will never reach our ideal in this life, a distinctive the church claims that most other human institutions try to deny.– Philip Yancey

  • Misunderstanding must be nakedly exposed before true understanding can begin to flourish. – Philip Yancey

    Misunderstanding must be nakedly exposed before true understanding can begin to flourish.– Philip Yancey

  • Breaking the cycle of ungrace means taking the initiative. – Philip Yancey

    Breaking the cycle of ungrace means taking the initiative.– Philip Yancey

  • A cease-fire between human beings depends upon a cease-fire with God. – Philip Yancey

    A cease-fire between human beings depends upon a cease-fire with God.– Philip Yancey

  • God welcomes home anyone who will have him and, in fact, has made the first move already. – Philip Yancey

    God welcomes home anyone who will have him and, in fact, has made the first move already.– Philip Yancey

  • Only Christianity dares to make God’s love unconditional. – Philip Yancey

    Only Christianity dares to make God’s love unconditional.– Philip Yancey

  • It seems that God arranged the most humiliating circumstances possible for His entrance, as if to avoid any charge of favoritism. – Philip Yancey

    It seems that God arranged the most humiliating circumstances possible for His entrance, as if to avoid any charge of favoritism.– Philip Yancey

  • No one who meets Jesus ever stays the same. – Philip Yancey

    No one who meets Jesus ever stays the same.– Philip Yancey

  • But should not atheists have an equal obligation to explain the origin of pleasure in a world of randomness and meaninglessness? – Philip Yancey

    But should not atheists have an equal obligation to explain the origin of pleasure in a world of randomness and meaninglessness?– Philip Yancey

  • God’s gifts are best used when we give them away in serving those who have less. – Philip Yancey

    God’s gifts are best used when we give them away in serving those who have less.– Philip Yancey