Famous Preeti Shenoy Quotes

  • For me, this baby was the most precious thing I had ever had. He was my treasure, my joy, my world, my everything now. – Preeti Shenoy

    For me, this baby was the most precious thing I had ever had. He was my treasure, my joy, my world, my everything now.– Preeti Shenoy

  • You have no right to kill others. Then how can you have a right to kill yourself? – Preeti Shenoy

    You have no right to kill others. Then how can you have a right to kill yourself?– Preeti Shenoy

  • Nobody would have been able to understand the depth of my joy and the extent of my happiness unless they had themselves gone through what I just had. – Preeti Shenoy

    Nobody would have been able to understand the depth of my joy and the extent of my happiness unless they had themselves gone through what I just had.– Preeti Shenoy

  • Sometimes, it is best that the past stays buried. – Preeti Shenoy

    Sometimes, it is best that the past stays buried.– Preeti Shenoy

  • Nothing like the pure, unpolluted air we get to breathe in these mountains, and nothing like being away from cities. – Preeti Shenoy

    Nothing like the pure, unpolluted air we get to breathe in these mountains, and nothing like being away from cities.– Preeti Shenoy