Famous Pushpa Rana Quotes

  • We choose and make our heroes from what we have read, heard and believed in. – Pushpa Rana

    We choose and make our heroes from what we have read, heard and believed in.– Pushpa Rana

  • Every solider believes in war till the time he actually fights it. – Pushpa Rana

    Every solider believes in war till the time he actually fights it.– Pushpa Rana

  • I do not choose the roads to travel;my destination does, apparently it is always the one less traveled. – Pushpa Rana

    I do not choose the roads to travel;my destination does, apparently it is always the one less traveled.– Pushpa Rana

  • I read not for entertainment but to feel what the writer has felt while writing even though if it was fiction. – Pushpa Rana

    I read not for entertainment but to feel what the writer has felt while writing even though if it was fiction.– Pushpa Rana

  • You may be theoretically rich but practically poor. – Pushpa Rana

    You may be theoretically rich but practically poor.– Pushpa Rana

  • I believed in your love till the time I actually made it, felt like sex. – Pushpa Rana

    I believed in your love till the time I actually made it, felt like sex.– Pushpa Rana

  • Even if you time travel your past, it can’t be changed, likewise you can’t possibly change your future, it is always the present which matters. – Pushpa Rana

    Even if you time travel your past, it can’t be changed, likewise you can’t possibly change your future, it is always the present which matters.– Pushpa Rana

  • Writing is my passion, expression and an incessant obsession. – Pushpa Rana

    Writing is my passion, expression and an incessant obsession.– Pushpa Rana

  • The only self control I have when I am with you is that I am with you. – Pushpa Rana

    The only self control I have when I am with you is that I am with you.– Pushpa Rana

  • Only wild cannot be tamed and I have been untamable. – Pushpa Rana

    Only wild cannot be tamed and I have been untamable.– Pushpa Rana