Famous Reba Riley Quotes

  • I considered not getting up, but recognized the pain of staying down was worse than the pain of attempting to stand. – Reba Riley

    I considered not getting up, but recognized the pain of staying down was worse than the pain of attempting to stand.– Reba Riley

  • Sometimes to move forward, you have to find yourself backwards. – Reba Riley

    Sometimes to move forward, you have to find yourself backwards.– Reba Riley

  • Love is bigger than everything. – Reba Riley

    Love is bigger than everything.– Reba Riley

  • Make your life a prayer. Live your mediation. – Reba Riley

    Make your life a prayer. Live your mediation.– Reba Riley

  • Courage is just dreams with shoes on. – Reba Riley

    Courage is just dreams with shoes on.– Reba Riley