Famous Rebecca Brooks Quotes

  • Moving on was going to require leaving the woods and getting a friend set that didn’t have gray hairs, hip replacements and a few false teeth. – Rebecca Brooks

    Moving on was going to require leaving the woods and getting a friend set that didn’t have gray hairs, hip replacements and a few false teeth.– Rebecca Brooks

  • Her fingers traced his stomach, trying to remember this is real, this is real with each strike of her heart. – Rebecca Brooks

    Her fingers traced his stomach, trying to remember this is real, this is real with each strike of her heart.– Rebecca Brooks

  • The kiss was so soft she couldn’t believe this was the same bad boy who’d said such things to her with that mouth. – Rebecca Brooks

    The kiss was so soft she couldn’t believe this was the same bad boy who’d said such things to her with that mouth.– Rebecca Brooks

  • Sweetheart, I have no intention of denying you a thing. – Rebecca Brooks

    Sweetheart, I have no intention of denying you a thing.– Rebecca Brooks