Famous Rebecca Solnit Quotes

  • The art is not one of forgetting but letting go – Rebecca Solnit

    The art is not one of forgetting but letting go– Rebecca Solnit

  • Perfection is a stick with which to beat the possible. – Rebecca Solnit

    Perfection is a stick with which to beat the possible.– Rebecca Solnit

  • We make ourselves large or small, here or there, in our empathies. – Rebecca Solnit

    We make ourselves large or small, here or there, in our empathies.– Rebecca Solnit

  • Despair is a form of certainty, certainty that the future will be a lot like the present or will decline from it. – Rebecca Solnit

    Despair is a form of certainty, certainty that the future will be a lot like the present or will decline from it.– Rebecca Solnit

  • A path is a prior interpretation of the best way to traverse a landscape. – Rebecca Solnit

    A path is a prior interpretation of the best way to traverse a landscape.– Rebecca Solnit

  • Were revolutions ever really what we thought them to be? – Rebecca Solnit

    Were revolutions ever really what we thought them to be?– Rebecca Solnit

  • Were revolutions ever really that we thought them to be? – Rebecca Solnit

    Were revolutions ever really that we thought them to be?– Rebecca Solnit

  • Writing is saying to no one and to everyone the things it is not possible to say to someone. – Rebecca Solnit

    Writing is saying to no one and to everyone the things it is not possible to say to someone.– Rebecca Solnit

  • Disenchantment is the blessing of becoming yourself. – Rebecca Solnit

    Disenchantment is the blessing of becoming yourself.– Rebecca Solnit

  • A labyrinth is a symbolic journey . . . but it is a map we can really walk on, blurring the difference between map and world. – Rebecca Solnit

    A labyrinth is a symbolic journey . . . but it is a map we can really walk on, blurring the difference between map and world.– Rebecca Solnit