Famous Roddy Doyle Quotes

  • Mary,’ said her mother. ‘We don’t like sarcasm ‘ ‘You mightn’t like it,’ said Mary. ‘But I love it. – Roddy Doyle

    Mary,’ said her mother. ‘We don’t like sarcasm ‘ ‘You mightn’t like it,’ said Mary. ‘But I love it.– Roddy Doyle

  • It was a sign of growing up, when the dark made no more difference to you than the day. – Roddy Doyle

    It was a sign of growing up, when the dark made no more difference to you than the day.– Roddy Doyle

  • We parked our bikes on verges so they could graze. – Roddy Doyle

    We parked our bikes on verges so they could graze.– Roddy Doyle

  • She’d tried her hand at most things, but drew the line at honesty. – Roddy Doyle

    She’d tried her hand at most things, but drew the line at honesty.– Roddy Doyle