Famous Rohinton Mistry Quotes

  • Flirting with madness was one thing; when madness started flirting back, it was time to call the whole thing off. – Rohinton Mistry

    Flirting with madness was one thing; when madness started flirting back, it was time to call the whole thing off.– Rohinton Mistry

  • A lifetime had to be crafted, just like anything else, she thought, it had to be moulded and beaten and burnished in order to get the most out of it. – Rohinton Mistry

    A lifetime had to be crafted, just like anything else, she thought, it had to be moulded and beaten and burnished in order to get the most out of it.– Rohinton Mistry

  • democracy is a see-saw between complete chaos and tolerable confusion – Rohinton Mistry

    democracy is a see-saw between complete chaos and tolerable confusion– Rohinton Mistry

  • Did life treat everyone so wantonly, ripping the good things to pieces while letting bad things fester and grow like fungus – Rohinton Mistry

    Did life treat everyone so wantonly, ripping the good things to pieces while letting bad things fester and grow like fungus– Rohinton Mistry

  • Black money is so much a part of our white economy, a tumour in the centre of the brain – try to remove it and you kill the patient. – Rohinton Mistry

    Black money is so much a part of our white economy, a tumour in the centre of the brain – try to remove it and you kill the patient.– Rohinton Mistry

  • Remembering bred its own peculiar sorrow. It seemed so unfair: that time should render both sadness and happiness into a source of pain. – Rohinton Mistry

    Remembering bred its own peculiar sorrow. It seemed so unfair: that time should render both sadness and happiness into a source of pain.– Rohinton Mistry

  • Distance was a dangerous thing, she knew. Distance changed people. – Rohinton Mistry

    Distance was a dangerous thing, she knew. Distance changed people.– Rohinton Mistry