Famous Sam Harris Quotes

  • We must continually remind ourselves that there is a difference between what is natural and what is actually good for us. – Sam Harris

    We must continually remind ourselves that there is a difference between what is natural and what is actually good for us.– Sam Harris

  • There is no society in human history that ever suffered because its people became too reasonable. – Sam Harris

    There is no society in human history that ever suffered because its people became too reasonable.– Sam Harris

  • Christians…..expend more -œmoral- energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide. – Sam Harris

    Christians…..expend more -œmoral- energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide.– Sam Harris

  • Certainty about the next life is simply incompatible with tolerance in this one. – Sam Harris

    Certainty about the next life is simply incompatible with tolerance in this one.– Sam Harris

  • People have been murdered over cartoons. End of moral analysis. – Sam Harris

    People have been murdered over cartoons. End of moral analysis.– Sam Harris

  • I’m the Ted Bundy of string theory. – Sam Harris

    I’m the Ted Bundy of string theory.– Sam Harris

  • We will embarrass our descendants, just as our ancestors embarrass us. This is moral progress. – Sam Harris

    We will embarrass our descendants, just as our ancestors embarrass us. This is moral progress.– Sam Harris

  • Ideas matter-”and philosophy is the art of thinking about them rigorously. In my view, that should be done in as public a forum as possible. – Sam Harris

    Ideas matter-”and philosophy is the art of thinking about them rigorously. In my view, that should be done in as public a forum as possible.– Sam Harris

  • The only differences between a cult and a religion are the numbers of adherents and the degree to which they are marginalized by the rest of society. – Sam Harris

    The only differences between a cult and a religion are the numbers of adherents and the degree to which they are marginalized by the rest of society.– Sam Harris

  • It is always now – Sam Harris

    It is always now– Sam Harris