Famous Sarah Noffke Quotes

  • Rarely does the truth set us free. Usually it chains us to the earth like a ghost. – Sarah Noffke

    Rarely does the truth set us free. Usually it chains us to the earth like a ghost.– Sarah Noffke

  • Regret swallows broken men whole. Acceptance builds them anew. – Sarah Noffke

    Regret swallows broken men whole. Acceptance builds them anew.– Sarah Noffke

  • People who make mistakes are in the best position to make better choices. – Sarah Noffke

    People who make mistakes are in the best position to make better choices.– Sarah Noffke

  • You know, sometimes even when two people love each other the universe still conspires against them, forces them apart. – Sarah Noffke

    You know, sometimes even when two people love each other the universe still conspires against them, forces them apart.– Sarah Noffke

  • Travel makes existentialists of us all. – Sarah Noffke

    Travel makes existentialists of us all.– Sarah Noffke

  • I’m an anchor and he is the sea and I sink into his tenderness as he presses my hand to his heart. – Sarah Noffke

    I’m an anchor and he is the sea and I sink into his tenderness as he presses my hand to his heart.– Sarah Noffke

  • Don’t make loss in your life make you a loser. – Sarah Noffke

    Don’t make loss in your life make you a loser.– Sarah Noffke

  • The world is dictated by our desires rather than our thoughts. The prior puts the latter in motion. – Sarah Noffke

    The world is dictated by our desires rather than our thoughts. The prior puts the latter in motion.– Sarah Noffke

  • My heart is kerosene, my mind a match. I’m seconds away from igniting. – Sarah Noffke

    My heart is kerosene, my mind a match. I’m seconds away from igniting.– Sarah Noffke

  • Love, deep and pure, it opens my heart. It feels like a magical force, one I’d fight to protect, one I’d die to keep. – Sarah Noffke

    Love, deep and pure, it opens my heart. It feels like a magical force, one I’d fight to protect, one I’d die to keep.– Sarah Noffke