Famous Sebastian Faulks Quotes

  • People wonder why you choose certain subjects to write about. The truth is: you don’t really. They choose you – Sebastian Faulks

    People wonder why you choose certain subjects to write about. The truth is: you don’t really. They choose you– Sebastian Faulks

  • He tried to sleep, but his head was filled with the faces of lunatics, their palsied hands, their shattered eyes. – Sebastian Faulks

    He tried to sleep, but his head was filled with the faces of lunatics, their palsied hands, their shattered eyes.– Sebastian Faulks

  • One thing about London is that when you step out into the night, it swallows you. – Sebastian Faulks

    One thing about London is that when you step out into the night, it swallows you.– Sebastian Faulks

  • I’d never chosen to be alone, but that was the way things had turned out, and I’d grown used to it. – Sebastian Faulks

    I’d never chosen to be alone, but that was the way things had turned out, and I’d grown used to it.– Sebastian Faulks

  • She was so beautiful I had to move away. – Sebastian Faulks

    She was so beautiful I had to move away.– Sebastian Faulks

  • The past was suddenly rushing in on me in a way I found hard to fight. – Sebastian Faulks

    The past was suddenly rushing in on me in a way I found hard to fight.– Sebastian Faulks

  • Grief is a peculiar emotion. – Sebastian Faulks

    Grief is a peculiar emotion.– Sebastian Faulks

  • How grand, to be a Doctor of whatever and to weigh up and decide people’s future. – Sebastian Faulks

    How grand, to be a Doctor of whatever and to weigh up and decide people’s future.– Sebastian Faulks

  • All reality about me now appeared to be in tatters, taken down and reduced to the civil war of its particles. I held on very, very tight indeed. – Sebastian Faulks

    All reality about me now appeared to be in tatters, taken down and reduced to the civil war of its particles. I held on very, very tight indeed.– Sebastian Faulks

  • A bit of the vagueness of music stops you going completely mad, I imagine. – Sebastian Faulks

    A bit of the vagueness of music stops you going completely mad, I imagine.– Sebastian Faulks