Famous Sharon E Rainey Quotes

  • When I could find something to laugh about for 30 minutes, my grief lightened just enough to make the day bearable. – Sharon E Rainey

    When I could find something to laugh about for 30 minutes, my grief lightened just enough to make the day bearable.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Forgiveness does not mean I approve of or condone what transpired. – Sharon E Rainey

    Forgiveness does not mean I approve of or condone what transpired.– Sharon E Rainey

  • As a sufferer of depression for many years, I know the importance of trying to find positive experiences in each day, no matter how small. – Sharon E Rainey

    As a sufferer of depression for many years, I know the importance of trying to find positive experiences in each day, no matter how small.– Sharon E Rainey

  • I thought by masking the depression with silence, the feelings might disappear. – Sharon E Rainey

    I thought by masking the depression with silence, the feelings might disappear.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Through each crisis in my life, with acceptance and hope, in a single defining moment, I finally gained the courage to do things differently. – Sharon E Rainey

    Through each crisis in my life, with acceptance and hope, in a single defining moment, I finally gained the courage to do things differently.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Forgiveness enables me to walk away from that pain, the loneliness and suffering. – Sharon E Rainey

    Forgiveness enables me to walk away from that pain, the loneliness and suffering.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Extreme emotional pain has a profound effect on the body. I witnessed my already frail body become even more toxic and plundered. – Sharon E Rainey

    Extreme emotional pain has a profound effect on the body. I witnessed my already frail body become even more toxic and plundered.– Sharon E Rainey

  • We are exquisite souls housed in physical bodies. – Sharon E Rainey

    We are exquisite souls housed in physical bodies.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Laughter lightens my heart and therefore heals my soul as well. – Sharon E Rainey

    Laughter lightens my heart and therefore heals my soul as well.– Sharon E Rainey

  • Time heals even the deepest wounds. – Sharon E Rainey

    Time heals even the deepest wounds.– Sharon E Rainey