Famous Shaun Hick Quotes

  • Only someone wishing to disappear would ever strive to ‘fit in’. – Shaun Hick

    Only someone wishing to disappear would ever strive to ‘fit in’.– Shaun Hick

  • I am full of mistakes and imperfections and therefore I am real … – Shaun Hick

    I am full of mistakes and imperfections and therefore I am real …– Shaun Hick

  • Instead of blaming yourself for something you cannot undo, let it define you. – Shaun Hick

    Instead of blaming yourself for something you cannot undo, let it define you.– Shaun Hick

  • In a corner of my soul there hides a tiny frightened child, who is frightened by a corner where there lingers something wild. – Shaun Hick

    In a corner of my soul there hides a tiny frightened child, who is frightened by a corner where there lingers something wild.– Shaun Hick

  • Then come. Let me send you to see if you have lived your life serving a deity or a dream. – Shaun Hick

    Then come. Let me send you to see if you have lived your life serving a deity or a dream.– Shaun Hick

  • I hasten to sleep so that I might dreamand colour my mind with a myriad of things. – Shaun Hick

    I hasten to sleep so that I might dreamand colour my mind with a myriad of things.– Shaun Hick

  • Knowledge is too final. Not knowing lets you dream a little. – Shaun Hick

    Knowledge is too final. Not knowing lets you dream a little.– Shaun Hick

  • There is greater clarity in the still waters of sadness, something not found in the babbling brooks of more sought after emotions. – Shaun Hick

    There is greater clarity in the still waters of sadness, something not found in the babbling brooks of more sought after emotions.– Shaun Hick

  • Pencil. Paper. Forget the world. – Shaun Hick

    Pencil. Paper. Forget the world.– Shaun Hick

  • Nothing listens as well as a blank page. – Shaun Hick

    Nothing listens as well as a blank page.– Shaun Hick