Famous Shellie Palmer Quotes

  • Don’t squash creativity, inspire it! – Shellie Palmer

    Don’t squash creativity, inspire it!– Shellie Palmer

  • Real happiness comes from loving you’re inner self and excepting the things you can’t change. Flaws perfectly imperfect. – Shellie Palmer

    Real happiness comes from loving you’re inner self and excepting the things you can’t change. Flaws perfectly imperfect.– Shellie Palmer

  • Be the one who walks with the Lord – Shellie Palmer

    Be the one who walks with the Lord– Shellie Palmer

  • Think of who has shaped your life and where you have come now in the present. – Shellie Palmer

    Think of who has shaped your life and where you have come now in the present.– Shellie Palmer

  • The journey we take is not meant to be taken alone we’re to take it together. – Shellie Palmer

    The journey we take is not meant to be taken alone we’re to take it together.– Shellie Palmer

  • Life is unpredictable and as the journey goes, it keeps on moving – Shellie Palmer

    Life is unpredictable and as the journey goes, it keeps on moving– Shellie Palmer

  • Smile, laugh, spread a little joy in someone’s life, it surely come back on you in a good way. – Shellie Palmer

    Smile, laugh, spread a little joy in someone’s life, it surely come back on you in a good way.– Shellie Palmer

  • We have it in ourselves to do what we are meant to do. – Shellie Palmer

    We have it in ourselves to do what we are meant to do.– Shellie Palmer

  • The real beauty is living life to it’s fullest, to reach a destination and live life for the Lord. – Shellie Palmer

    The real beauty is living life to it’s fullest, to reach a destination and live life for the Lord.– Shellie Palmer

  • My life isn’t perfect and it will never be I make mistakes, I learn from them and keep moving forward. – Shellie Palmer

    My life isn’t perfect and it will never be I make mistakes, I learn from them and keep moving forward.– Shellie Palmer