Famous Stacie Evans Quotes

  • tiCK TOck TicK tOCk tICK TocK tIcK – Stacie Evans

    tiCK TOck TicK tOCk tICK TocK tIcK– Stacie Evans

  • Of all the problems and complications in my life, I had not expected love to be one of them. – Stacie Evans

    Of all the problems and complications in my life, I had not expected love to be one of them.– Stacie Evans

  • I knew the end would come, one day. I knew my life deserved to be over. Yet, even knowing that, I was no less fearful. – Stacie Evans

    I knew the end would come, one day. I knew my life deserved to be over. Yet, even knowing that, I was no less fearful.– Stacie Evans