Famous Stanley Hauerwas Quotes

  • Whatever it means to be a Christian, it at least involves the discovery of friends you did not know you had. – Stanley Hauerwas

    Whatever it means to be a Christian, it at least involves the discovery of friends you did not know you had.– Stanley Hauerwas

  • The lives of the saints are the hermeneutical key to Scripture. – Stanley Hauerwas

    The lives of the saints are the hermeneutical key to Scripture.– Stanley Hauerwas

  • Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol. – Stanley Hauerwas

    Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol.– Stanley Hauerwas

  • You learn who you are only by making yourself accountable to the judgment of others. – Stanley Hauerwas

    You learn who you are only by making yourself accountable to the judgment of others.– Stanley Hauerwas