Famous Sue Miller Quotes

  • I felt the kind of desperation, I think, that cancels the possibility of empathy…that makes you unkind. – Sue Miller

    I felt the kind of desperation, I think, that cancels the possibility of empathy…that makes you unkind.– Sue Miller

  • A secret weighs on us, a terrible secret weighs with a terrible weight. – Sue Miller

    A secret weighs on us, a terrible secret weighs with a terrible weight.– Sue Miller

  • But even then I knew how it was going to be, I could feel the coming silence in the long, poisonous pauses that expanded as the night progressed. – Sue Miller

    But even then I knew how it was going to be, I could feel the coming silence in the long, poisonous pauses that expanded as the night progressed.– Sue Miller

  • …the words make our silences easier–they’re the current that runs under them. – Sue Miller

    …the words make our silences easier–they’re the current that runs under them.– Sue Miller