Famous Terry Goodkind Quotes

  • Eliminate the tyranny of magic from mankind. – Terry Goodkind

    Eliminate the tyranny of magic from mankind.– Terry Goodkind

  • Without delay, Tilly entered the ninth opening, a number that she knew from Baraccus had great meaning on things having to do with magic. – Terry Goodkind

    Without delay, Tilly entered the ninth opening, a number that she knew from Baraccus had great meaning on things having to do with magic.– Terry Goodkind

  • A Grace connected creating the World of life, and the world of the dead in pathways of magic. – Terry Goodkind

    A Grace connected creating the World of life, and the world of the dead in pathways of magic.– Terry Goodkind

  • Anger is a shield for the power of the sword’s magic, so that helped. – Terry Goodkind

    Anger is a shield for the power of the sword’s magic, so that helped.– Terry Goodkind

  • Only those you trust can betray you. – Terry Goodkind

    Only those you trust can betray you.– Terry Goodkind

  • This was life as it should be lived-”proud, reasoned, and a slave to no other man. – Terry Goodkind

    This was life as it should be lived-”proud, reasoned, and a slave to no other man.– Terry Goodkind

  • In the end, people believed what they wanted to believe. The truth had very little to do with it. – Terry Goodkind

    In the end, people believed what they wanted to believe. The truth had very little to do with it.– Terry Goodkind

  • Your destiny is to find the truth. – Terry Goodkind

    Your destiny is to find the truth.– Terry Goodkind

  • Honor is honesty to what is, not blind duty to what you wish to be. – Terry Goodkind

    Honor is honesty to what is, not blind duty to what you wish to be.– Terry Goodkind

  • When the whole world is crazy, it doesn’t pay to be sane. – Terry Goodkind

    When the whole world is crazy, it doesn’t pay to be sane.– Terry Goodkind