Famous Tess Gerritsen Quotes

  • The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess. – Tess Gerritsen

    The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.– Tess Gerritsen

  • When you shine a bright light, a secret loses all its power. – Tess Gerritsen

    When you shine a bright light, a secret loses all its power.– Tess Gerritsen

  • Some people just couldn’t commit to their own health. Instead they wasted their energy worrying about things they could do nothing about. – Tess Gerritsen

    Some people just couldn’t commit to their own health. Instead they wasted their energy worrying about things they could do nothing about.– Tess Gerritsen

  • He looked at her, and she couldn’t contradict him. Nor could she offer any false reassurance. Silence, at least, was honest. – Tess Gerritsen

    He looked at her, and she couldn’t contradict him. Nor could she offer any false reassurance. Silence, at least, was honest.– Tess Gerritsen