Famous Thomm Quackenbush Quotes

  • I miss more loving someone so deeply that I can’t imagine a forever without her kisses. – Thomm Quackenbush

    I miss more loving someone so deeply that I can’t imagine a forever without her kisses.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • I miss more loving someone so deeply that I can’t imagine a forever without her kisses.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • He seemed like the sort to have a vast arsenal of smirks, shaped over a decade of nonverbal conversation. – Thomm Quackenbush

    He seemed like the sort to have a vast arsenal of smirks, shaped over a decade of nonverbal conversation.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • They tell me how they are not scared to die, but they are terrified of the lives circumstance forces them to lead. – Thomm Quackenbush

    They tell me how they are not scared to die, but they are terrified of the lives circumstance forces them to lead.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • Americans bred like rabbits, expecting the reaper to slaughter at least a few before they reached ripeness. – Thomm Quackenbush

    Americans bred like rabbits, expecting the reaper to slaughter at least a few before they reached ripeness.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • She harbored the childhood presumption that the truly scary things could only find her in the night. – Thomm Quackenbush

    She harbored the childhood presumption that the truly scary things could only find her in the night.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • Reason had no place to crash once Emotion came to town. – Thomm Quackenbush

    Reason had no place to crash once Emotion came to town.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • [H]er retaliation only made the sin the greater because she could not find words to confess. – Thomm Quackenbush

    [H]er retaliation only made the sin the greater because she could not find words to confess.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • She had picked up life where she had left off… and hoped that would be enough to get the universe to politely overlook her. – Thomm Quackenbush

    She had picked up life where she had left off… and hoped that would be enough to get the universe to politely overlook her.– Thomm Quackenbush

  • She resented a universe that forced her to fabricate cover stories for its more inexplicable vagaries. – Thomm Quackenbush

    She resented a universe that forced her to fabricate cover stories for its more inexplicable vagaries.– Thomm Quackenbush